Love My Life

"In order to love my life I must first become aware of what my life is. My life is not what is going on outside of me.  My life is not my wife or my job or where I live or my hobbies.  Its not my weight or my hair color or how much money I have in the bank.  My life is what is going on inside of me, My life is my thought life.  In order to become aware of my life, my thought life, I have to start to look inside.  For me this is a difficult and painstaking process.  First because I seem to be constitutionally incapable of being honest with myself.  How do I see myself as I really am and how I really think if Iā€™m incapable of being honest with myself.  For me this process started with a 12 step program.  I had to hit an emotional, physical, and spiritual bottom in my life where I had no other options but to start to look inward.  What I found was that I have a mind that is unsatisfiable.  A mind that talks to me in my own voice.  A mind that is programmed to find fault wherever it looks and that is full of opinions that keep me locked in ignorance and conflict with those around me.  This mind that has been forged out of my apparent perception of what it means to be me and all of my experiences seen through this warped mind have built a faulty character that finds it difficult to live and be at peace in this world.  The world of my perception, is a world of time and of change, of beginnings and endings.  A world of loss and scarcity.  My world is based on my perception of what I think happened and not on the Truth.  Because I am incapable of being honest with myself, the world I live in is a world of miss perceptions that have been learned over a lifetime, and keep me separate from the Truth.

The Truth is accessible right here right now always.  In order to access the Truth I have to be willing to let go of all my old ideas, basically everything I think I know.  To be free of the story that I have built about how life should be based on my perception of what has happened in my past and my fears of the future.  Learning to live fully present and aware is a lifetime process.

Today I love my life, my inner life.  I find it easier and easier to accept what Is and as I become more present everything I ever wanted is becoming attracted to me.  I am finding the peace and the stillness inside of me and as that happens my outsides are getting better and better.  More and more today I find that I always have everything I need to be in joy in this moment, right now.   I hope that you will join me on this journey to right here and right now as we continue to grow deeper into loving our lives.ā€


The Bondage Of Self,